17 August 2011

Few Things That Woman Should Never Tell a Man!

Few Things That Woman Should Never Tell a Man!
Women are often unaware of that,  how their "innocent" statements can annoyed men.
There are many things you should never tell her husband or boyfriend, but men are particularly sensitive to:
Be a man!
There is no worst phrase you can say man! The stronger sex is particularly sensitive when it comes to their manhood, so that every possible reference in this context mean contempt for them. It's like you say to a lion  that he's a sweet kitty.

It's Only Game!
Maybe for you, but they are very passionate when it comes to their favorite sport. The result of a game can affect their mood that night, and sometimes longer. How would you feel that you, he says: "These are just shoes!"

We should speak
At that, most men rings alarm bells. He expects that he will get some attack on him or get into a fight ... As soon as you hear this sentence will want to escape. If there is something you want to talk, start a conversation when you are both relaxed, but without the frightening introduction.

I'm Ok
No1 guy likes to hear that everything is fine when you look unhappy. If you want to be alone for a while, tell him, he will understand. However, if it's something else, your guy would love to explain, because he does not know how to read your thoughts. As much as you like, if you get him to speculate, before him all sorts of ideas will come to your mind than you would guess what it is.
Size Is Not Matters
Just a Few men will believe in it. If you think that is deficient in this respect, they will try to catch up on all possible and impossible ways. Even if you honestly think that size does not matter, it would be best not be mentioned.

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